MjM Free Photo Recovery Software 1.0
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MjM Free Photo Recovery Software 1.0

Free Little but useful program for recovering photos from formatted memory cards
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1.0.0009 See all
MjM Data Recovery Limited
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
Used by 8 people
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Have you ever formatted your digital camera's memory card, only to discover that you haven't made a backup of your precoius photos? This little program is a solution to this problem. MjM is a British company devoted to recovering lost data from hard drives, magnetic tape backups, memory cards and other devices. They decided to put their expertise at work and created this useful program for recovering lost photos on memory cards.

The program is very easy to use. You only need to install it and insert your memory card into the card reader of your computer, or connect your camera to an USB port. The program will detect the type and characteristics of your memory device. You can set up the maximum file size and if you want to perform a deep scan, which produces more results but is also more time-consuming. The program also has a preview feature that opens a window so you can see the recovered photos in greater detail. When the process is completed, you have the option of saving all the recovered photos or choose only those you need. All in all, this is a very handy program that would prove to be very useful for all the photo enthusiasts out there.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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